Sunday, February 8, 2015

100 WC Zain BISB Year 6

RJ and Silence

You want to me to introduce you to RJ? He’s the guy that saved me from from almost being murdered at the science fair last year. Anyway, that’s a really long story from the past. RJ was going to the cinema when he noticed there was silence everywhere. Silence everywhere. No sound of birds chirping, people sneezing or talking, no car doors slamming, no animals. Nothing, nothing at all. The silence was deafening. “That’s so strange,” thought RJ. He kept walking along Avenue Silence until he reached the end. At the far distance, he could see a smeared dead body...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Beverly,
    Well done on entering this week's 100WC. I really enjoyed the mystery in your writing and really want to read what happens next. I Your description of the silence - "No sound of birds chirping.. " etc. You have used the prompt well. Avenue Silence is a very appropriate name for this setting!
    I can see a small mistake in your first sentence, can you tell what it is? Keep up the great writing and keep entering the 100WC!
    Best wishes,
    Ms. Toal (Team 100WC)
    Dublin, Ireland.
