Monday, March 16, 2015

Zain Week 26 100 Word Challenge

The Ford Mustang 73 was being followed, and David was so frightened that he didn’t even look back. His friend, Baxter was at the wheel, and he wasn’t worried at all. As they turned the corner, David heard an ear-splitting gunshot and then he heard a scream. Baxter was dead. David just stared at him, He was shocked, horrified, and angry. The Ford struck with the fence of an alluring park. David didn’t know how to drive so he got off and started running at a very high speed. After about what seemed like an hour. He stopped. And froze...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Zain BISB Year 6+ 100 Word Challenge

I love ice cream, don’t you? Of course you do! Well, you should anyway. Today, I received a ticket to buy the best ice cream in the world at half price! How magnificent is that? Oh yeah! Uhu uhu! So! I held the ice cream in my hands elegantly and cautiously. Then I started reading what it said, It simply said Sweet. Sweet? That’s a strange name for the best ice cream in the world? So I opened the wrapper exquisitely and… nibbled… yuck! The taste was soooo, what’s the word? extremely bitter! But it said ‘sweet’ on the wrapper!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

100 WC Zain BISB Year 6

RJ and Silence

You want to me to introduce you to RJ? He’s the guy that saved me from from almost being murdered at the science fair last year. Anyway, that’s a really long story from the past. RJ was going to the cinema when he noticed there was silence everywhere. Silence everywhere. No sound of birds chirping, people sneezing or talking, no car doors slamming, no animals. Nothing, nothing at all. The silence was deafening. “That’s so strange,” thought RJ. He kept walking along Avenue Silence until he reached the end. At the far distance, he could see a smeared dead body...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

100 Word Challenge Sara

The car was stuck between the iron bar and the plank of wood that used to stand on top of the worker’s hole that was dug right in front of the driveway. When the car drove over the plank of wood, it would fly off. I was in the car with my dad when the plank had flown off, I had tried to climb out of the car before (it did not work).

The iron bar made the ceiling shatter bricks over the car, my dad got hit by one and was in coma, but I thought I had enough time to get out.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

"The exam is, today is..." Mary whispered to herself.  She had about 2 months before the exam.
"So, I just have to do Maths today!"
 But before she started practising the Maths, Mary was planning to do grammar for the last 2 weeks. Well, she didn't. She just did only Maths.
"Tomorrow is exam! I have to sleep quickly!"
Marry didn't realise she had grammar to practice, then went to sleep.

The next morning Mary woke up then shouted,"Oh no! I didn't do my grammar. But I thought I had enough time..."

Saturday, March 29, 2014

100 Word Challenge Eesha

I would adore being a Night Zoo-Keeper for billions of reasons. I’ll share some of them with you. Imagine yourself being a Night Zoo-Keeper of lots of mesmerizing creatures. Imagine yourself protecting the breathtaking animals from the noxious monsters; if you love animals, it would be an indulgence, just like for me! Furthermore, you might find yourself on a whale which can fly (instead of swim), traveling to the future. Or you might be resting on a rhinoceros made out of marshmallow making your way back to the past! Therefore there are trillions of reasons why I would fancy being a Night Zoo-Keeper.

100 Word Challenge Yanni

Dear Night zookeeper,

I think I would be perfect to be a Night zookeeper because I would be sublime at: fighting the monsters, feeding and taking care of the animals, and I like being awake at night, I don’t know for sure where the night zoo is, but you can email it to me, I would be suitable to work with other people, if you do apply me I would be excellent at all those incredible actions. I would be really pleased if you accept me to work with you so that we can win against the monsters of Nilth.

Kind Regards
