Saturday, March 29, 2014

100 Word Challenge Eesha

I would adore being a Night Zoo-Keeper for billions of reasons. I’ll share some of them with you. Imagine yourself being a Night Zoo-Keeper of lots of mesmerizing creatures. Imagine yourself protecting the breathtaking animals from the noxious monsters; if you love animals, it would be an indulgence, just like for me! Furthermore, you might find yourself on a whale which can fly (instead of swim), traveling to the future. Or you might be resting on a rhinoceros made out of marshmallow making your way back to the past! Therefore there are trillions of reasons why I would fancy being a Night Zoo-Keeper.

100 Word Challenge Yanni

Dear Night zookeeper,

I think I would be perfect to be a Night zookeeper because I would be sublime at: fighting the monsters, feeding and taking care of the animals, and I like being awake at night, I don’t know for sure where the night zoo is, but you can email it to me, I would be suitable to work with other people, if you do apply me I would be excellent at all those incredible actions. I would be really pleased if you accept me to work with you so that we can win against the monsters of Nilth.

Kind Regards


100 Word Challenge Sara

I would enjoy being a night zookeeper because of all the adventures I would have. I imagine how excited and scared I would be on the first day and how I would make sure of taking care.  But the tropical birds would screech and make the lions and the tigers roar, the elephants would stomp and make the zoo shake, the snakes would slither and the monkeys with their insane cries. Even though it might seem hazardous to work at night it would be entertaining to have the animals and to know the things we do not yet  know about them.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

"Look up! Can you see that?"
Kate shouted.
 When I looked up, there was a giant person looking down at us.
He spoke to us,"Wow, you are so small!"
Kate and I thought that the giant man was crazy. Then,
"Oh, we are not tiny!? Aren't you a giant!"Kate yelled.
I thought Kate was right, but a giant person told us something weird.
"No,no,no.  Look around at this furniture."
As this giant person said, all of the furniture was too big for us!
From then, Kate and I realized that we were tiny.

100 Word Challenge Eesha

I won the lottery ticket! You know the one’s where you have to scratch the ticket and you obtain a number. The number I got was 271 and guess what that was the lottery number. The prize was... a fortnight stay in a five-star resort Hawaii (free)!

A receptionist showed me the way to my room where I would be staying. A few things were kept in the living room. A glass table, a glass chair, luckily not a glass sofa! When I looked up; I hollered, ‘Look up! Can you see those cobwebs, I want them gone!.’ What type of hotel was this? It surely can’t be five-star.

100 Word Challenge Yanni

There was once two gorillas, John and Cooper, “Give me that bamboo stick, NOW!!” Ordered John, he was bigger and more powerful then Cooper.  But…but… ok…here it is” replied a sad Cooper. Then Cooper got a glimpse of what seemed to be a massive green-looking stick!” Look up! Can you see that whooping immensely gigantic bamboo?” “You shouldn't be happy, I’ll get it first!” However the moment John said that; Cooper had already started to climb! “NO!” hollered John as Copper ate it! “Yum! That was the best bamboo EVER!” As you see John wasn't in the mood to play, he was about to roar until… “Time for tea children!”

100 Word Challenge Vishal

We were in a jungle; it was extremely large and contained huge and unknown species of wild animals. Mike and I were very cautious to to make a sound and disturb the animals when we walk. Apart from the wildness of this jungle, it had spooky and terrifying sounds. We couldn't even return back because we right in the middle of the jungle. As we walked a few meters forward my shoe made a sound. Then a deafening noise came from the wild inhabitants of the Jungle. We ran incredibly fast through the humongous jungle.  ‘Will they both survive or not?’

100 Word Challenger Gabriel

Look up, Look up, can you see?
Jellybeans flying, oh me!
Oh me, oh my, jellybeans flying in the sky!
There goes a Smartie, there’s a sherbet fizz!
It’s raining candy, oh yes it is!
I like days like this, oh yes I do!
I like days like this, don’t you?
A day of joy, for me and you.
A day of joy, for the Universe too.
Candy canes are hard and Jelly Babies soft.
Sugary goodness, the smell shall waft.
Now it's time to say goodbye,
I need to catch the sweets that fly.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

"Come here, Sally!"
Whispered Lilly as she was going in to the smallest room.
When Sally got in to the room, Lilly was already looking around the room.
They were not allowed to be caught from someone.
"Sally, this is the last room.  We must find it."
 Then they started searching for a little box that fits the key.
When Lilly turned around she saw a box.
Lilly and Sally looked each other and nodded.
Lilly went near it.  When she opened the lid there was a thousand of bees flying all over the place.  Unfortunately, Lilly and Sally, both got stabbed by a bees.

100 Word Challenge Vishal

Boom! Gun shots. They were ubiquitous. The city was in total panic. Mrs. Kanie was in a traffic jam. She was immensely shocked. She got out of her BMW Z4, and went to find refuge. There was nowhere to hide. She was at the centre point of a junction, with four roads enclosed with cars. People ran to buildings and shops. Mrs. Kanie ran to an old ruined house and hid behind a pillar. She heard foot steps behind her. Those men were about to shoot her, but when she lifted up the lid to protect herself they ran back. There was a bomb attached to it. There was four seconds remaining...

100 Word Challenge Yanni

The lid was always closed,
Nobody had touched the haunted box, it was said that the mythical monster, the terrifying eagle, owned it and if someone touched it, there will be bad news coming up!
Anne never thought this was true, and thought to herself, why don’t I show people that it is not true?
and that is what she did.
She went to the forest, saw the box and stared at it for quite a few minutes.
“I can do it!“ she told herself. She went near it, but when she lifted the lid, she heard: WILL YOU GET UP!!”, screamed the mother of Anne
Time to go to school!

100 Word Challenge Eesha

“A talent show is planned next week for our school, it’s an opportunity for pupils to display their capability to teachers and spectators”, announced our teacher. Hmmmm, interesting topic. Eureka! I’m doing a magic trick. My best buddy Suzanne will be my assistant. The trick’s humble, I will lie down in a big box; Suzanne will simply shut it, say a magic word and I’ll vanish. The day arrived, it was my turn; I hopped in the box. Suzanne chanted the word, but when she lifted the lid... I was still in there! The trick had not functioned as I thought it would. What should I do now? What will Suzanne show everyone? 

100 Wod Challenge Kalzang

It was a normal day for Liv, cruising around the island in her diminutive boat, when she thought to stop for some rest on the island. There, was a miniature Egyptian figure and on its right, was a peculiar medium sized box that was almost camouflaged in the golden silky sand; but when she opened the lid there was a necklace with a red eye, wherever she moved it was still staring at her the whole time; it never took its eye of Liv.

She took the eye to the boat, but on her way she had bad luck, before she knew it she was sinking…  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

The old woman went to the river for washing.  Suddenly, a tremendous peach came along the river.  When she cut the peach in half...there was a baby boy!
The old woman named him 'Peach boy'.  He grew bigger as she gave him lots of foods.

One day, Peach boy decided to go to Oni island to destroy Oni.  The old  woman made sweets for Peach boy.  He was walking along the streets.  Then, there was a dog, a bird and a monkey.  Peach boy asked them to help him on his journey.

Finally, Peach boy had destroyed the Oni.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

I was drinking afternoon tea and having some toast and enjoying the relaxation..  After five minutes, I heard something rummaging sound.  It was weird.  I thought it was Milky.  Well, Milky is my baby bear.

It was too loud for me to relax, so I just stepped outside to see what was happening.
My bear was in the corner of my garden.  He was digging the ground as if he was pushing through the earth.  I went near him, not knowing what he was doing.  I couldn't believe it when I saw this.  There were a hundred tiny bears in the hole!