Saturday, April 19, 2014

100 Word Challenge Sara

The car was stuck between the iron bar and the plank of wood that used to stand on top of the worker’s hole that was dug right in front of the driveway. When the car drove over the plank of wood, it would fly off. I was in the car with my dad when the plank had flown off, I had tried to climb out of the car before (it did not work).

The iron bar made the ceiling shatter bricks over the car, my dad got hit by one and was in coma, but I thought I had enough time to get out.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

"The exam is, today is..." Mary whispered to herself.  She had about 2 months before the exam.
"So, I just have to do Maths today!"
 But before she started practising the Maths, Mary was planning to do grammar for the last 2 weeks. Well, she didn't. She just did only Maths.
"Tomorrow is exam! I have to sleep quickly!"
Marry didn't realise she had grammar to practice, then went to sleep.

The next morning Mary woke up then shouted,"Oh no! I didn't do my grammar. But I thought I had enough time..."

Saturday, March 29, 2014

100 Word Challenge Eesha

I would adore being a Night Zoo-Keeper for billions of reasons. I’ll share some of them with you. Imagine yourself being a Night Zoo-Keeper of lots of mesmerizing creatures. Imagine yourself protecting the breathtaking animals from the noxious monsters; if you love animals, it would be an indulgence, just like for me! Furthermore, you might find yourself on a whale which can fly (instead of swim), traveling to the future. Or you might be resting on a rhinoceros made out of marshmallow making your way back to the past! Therefore there are trillions of reasons why I would fancy being a Night Zoo-Keeper.

100 Word Challenge Yanni

Dear Night zookeeper,

I think I would be perfect to be a Night zookeeper because I would be sublime at: fighting the monsters, feeding and taking care of the animals, and I like being awake at night, I don’t know for sure where the night zoo is, but you can email it to me, I would be suitable to work with other people, if you do apply me I would be excellent at all those incredible actions. I would be really pleased if you accept me to work with you so that we can win against the monsters of Nilth.

Kind Regards


100 Word Challenge Sara

I would enjoy being a night zookeeper because of all the adventures I would have. I imagine how excited and scared I would be on the first day and how I would make sure of taking care.  But the tropical birds would screech and make the lions and the tigers roar, the elephants would stomp and make the zoo shake, the snakes would slither and the monkeys with their insane cries. Even though it might seem hazardous to work at night it would be entertaining to have the animals and to know the things we do not yet  know about them.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

"Look up! Can you see that?"
Kate shouted.
 When I looked up, there was a giant person looking down at us.
He spoke to us,"Wow, you are so small!"
Kate and I thought that the giant man was crazy. Then,
"Oh, we are not tiny!? Aren't you a giant!"Kate yelled.
I thought Kate was right, but a giant person told us something weird.
"No,no,no.  Look around at this furniture."
As this giant person said, all of the furniture was too big for us!
From then, Kate and I realized that we were tiny.

100 Word Challenge Eesha

I won the lottery ticket! You know the one’s where you have to scratch the ticket and you obtain a number. The number I got was 271 and guess what that was the lottery number. The prize was... a fortnight stay in a five-star resort Hawaii (free)!

A receptionist showed me the way to my room where I would be staying. A few things were kept in the living room. A glass table, a glass chair, luckily not a glass sofa! When I looked up; I hollered, ‘Look up! Can you see those cobwebs, I want them gone!.’ What type of hotel was this? It surely can’t be five-star.

100 Word Challenge Yanni

There was once two gorillas, John and Cooper, “Give me that bamboo stick, NOW!!” Ordered John, he was bigger and more powerful then Cooper.  But…but… ok…here it is” replied a sad Cooper. Then Cooper got a glimpse of what seemed to be a massive green-looking stick!” Look up! Can you see that whooping immensely gigantic bamboo?” “You shouldn't be happy, I’ll get it first!” However the moment John said that; Cooper had already started to climb! “NO!” hollered John as Copper ate it! “Yum! That was the best bamboo EVER!” As you see John wasn't in the mood to play, he was about to roar until… “Time for tea children!”

100 Word Challenge Vishal

We were in a jungle; it was extremely large and contained huge and unknown species of wild animals. Mike and I were very cautious to to make a sound and disturb the animals when we walk. Apart from the wildness of this jungle, it had spooky and terrifying sounds. We couldn't even return back because we right in the middle of the jungle. As we walked a few meters forward my shoe made a sound. Then a deafening noise came from the wild inhabitants of the Jungle. We ran incredibly fast through the humongous jungle.  ‘Will they both survive or not?’

100 Word Challenger Gabriel

Look up, Look up, can you see?
Jellybeans flying, oh me!
Oh me, oh my, jellybeans flying in the sky!
There goes a Smartie, there’s a sherbet fizz!
It’s raining candy, oh yes it is!
I like days like this, oh yes I do!
I like days like this, don’t you?
A day of joy, for me and you.
A day of joy, for the Universe too.
Candy canes are hard and Jelly Babies soft.
Sugary goodness, the smell shall waft.
Now it's time to say goodbye,
I need to catch the sweets that fly.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

"Come here, Sally!"
Whispered Lilly as she was going in to the smallest room.
When Sally got in to the room, Lilly was already looking around the room.
They were not allowed to be caught from someone.
"Sally, this is the last room.  We must find it."
 Then they started searching for a little box that fits the key.
When Lilly turned around she saw a box.
Lilly and Sally looked each other and nodded.
Lilly went near it.  When she opened the lid there was a thousand of bees flying all over the place.  Unfortunately, Lilly and Sally, both got stabbed by a bees.

100 Word Challenge Vishal

Boom! Gun shots. They were ubiquitous. The city was in total panic. Mrs. Kanie was in a traffic jam. She was immensely shocked. She got out of her BMW Z4, and went to find refuge. There was nowhere to hide. She was at the centre point of a junction, with four roads enclosed with cars. People ran to buildings and shops. Mrs. Kanie ran to an old ruined house and hid behind a pillar. She heard foot steps behind her. Those men were about to shoot her, but when she lifted up the lid to protect herself they ran back. There was a bomb attached to it. There was four seconds remaining...

100 Word Challenge Yanni

The lid was always closed,
Nobody had touched the haunted box, it was said that the mythical monster, the terrifying eagle, owned it and if someone touched it, there will be bad news coming up!
Anne never thought this was true, and thought to herself, why don’t I show people that it is not true?
and that is what she did.
She went to the forest, saw the box and stared at it for quite a few minutes.
“I can do it!“ she told herself. She went near it, but when she lifted the lid, she heard: WILL YOU GET UP!!”, screamed the mother of Anne
Time to go to school!

100 Word Challenge Eesha

“A talent show is planned next week for our school, it’s an opportunity for pupils to display their capability to teachers and spectators”, announced our teacher. Hmmmm, interesting topic. Eureka! I’m doing a magic trick. My best buddy Suzanne will be my assistant. The trick’s humble, I will lie down in a big box; Suzanne will simply shut it, say a magic word and I’ll vanish. The day arrived, it was my turn; I hopped in the box. Suzanne chanted the word, but when she lifted the lid... I was still in there! The trick had not functioned as I thought it would. What should I do now? What will Suzanne show everyone? 

100 Wod Challenge Kalzang

It was a normal day for Liv, cruising around the island in her diminutive boat, when she thought to stop for some rest on the island. There, was a miniature Egyptian figure and on its right, was a peculiar medium sized box that was almost camouflaged in the golden silky sand; but when she opened the lid there was a necklace with a red eye, wherever she moved it was still staring at her the whole time; it never took its eye of Liv.

She took the eye to the boat, but on her way she had bad luck, before she knew it she was sinking…  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

The old woman went to the river for washing.  Suddenly, a tremendous peach came along the river.  When she cut the peach in half...there was a baby boy!
The old woman named him 'Peach boy'.  He grew bigger as she gave him lots of foods.

One day, Peach boy decided to go to Oni island to destroy Oni.  The old  woman made sweets for Peach boy.  He was walking along the streets.  Then, there was a dog, a bird and a monkey.  Peach boy asked them to help him on his journey.

Finally, Peach boy had destroyed the Oni.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yuina

I was drinking afternoon tea and having some toast and enjoying the relaxation..  After five minutes, I heard something rummaging sound.  It was weird.  I thought it was Milky.  Well, Milky is my baby bear.

It was too loud for me to relax, so I just stepped outside to see what was happening.
My bear was in the corner of my garden.  He was digging the ground as if he was pushing through the earth.  I went near him, not knowing what he was doing.  I couldn't believe it when I saw this.  There were a hundred tiny bears in the hole!

Monday, February 24, 2014

100 Word Challenge Eesha

A forest full of pessimism, there were things that crept out of the dark. I am right now in a dark, tangled maze of tunnels and secret paths. I perceived an abandoned tree house and was on my way to reach it.

 But the fog crept up on the tree house like a ghostly serpent; it slid along the windows, flicked its tongue into the corners of the tree house, waited a moment and then slipped back along the path. The tree house was surrounded by rotting leaves and dead branches. You couldn’t tell one part of the forest from the other! “It’s impossible to reach there” I muttered.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

100 Word Challenge Gabriel

What I saw from my house on the hill.

What I saw from my house on the hill,
Really was quite funny.
Lots of little figures walking towards a light,
(It was hard to see as the weather was not sunny…).
I would not have awoken, if they had been quiet.
Not quiet, those creatures,
As loud as a riot.
But quite funny with all their odd features:
Green bumpy skin and trumpet-like ears,
Big goggly eyes and toes shaped like tears.
What I saw from my house on the hill
Was quite funny.
But was real scary, after all.

100 Word Challenge Maria

Finally, I always dreamed to go to a park, today my dream became true. I was going to a park called “Mysterious”! In the park there are lots of automates and games. I chose a curving path that led to a “magic” labyrinth. In the labyrinth there were mysterious bright lights and wrong curving hilarious mirrors. The alleys looked like long mischievous passageways. The tall walls were made out of greenish trees. It was very hard to find an end to this maze. I was a bit frightened. The reason for that was it was cruelly dark. Just then the yellow house appeared high in the sky… 

100 Word Challenge Swarna

Dark night...all alone...stranded.
“That’s it.  I can’t take it anymore.  Enough.  Now, where am I?  This gnarled forest is threatening me!  I intently got up to my legs and started to walk.  There must be a way to get out of this ghastly place.  Let’s see, what’s the name of this street?
The 6th Avenue of Malicious Street.
Hmm... strange name.  This place seems really familiar nevertheless still, I can’t find my way around. Ah, there’s a map! 
Great, at least half of it is torn off.
(A figure sweeps across the floor)
(Everything goes black)

Bye humans!

100 Word Challenge Sara

It’s the time of year were all the leaves plunge to the ground, nevertheless Halloween is close too. Me, and my friends usually organize a party on the 31st however not this year. We've decided to acquire our own sweets. 
On the 31st, we all met up at the town churchyard, all with are Halloween costumes and our bags able to carry 3kg of sweets.

All the houses on our map were done, but walking back to the churchyard, an elongated driveway dragged us down to a whopping tree. Looking up, in the tree was a treehouse with a ladder that lent up to it.

100 word Challenge Kalzang

The light was intense but the people around it didn't mind, it was quite eerie that no one had sunglasses or something to protect their eyes; the only thing that was odd was that everyone was walking to the light and once they reached it they abruptly disappeared.
When I came out of the cave everything was pitch black, when I checked my phone it was only 11:27am, I decided to let it go and walk back home.

In bed I couldn't stop thinking of the cave and the light, there was one last thing that is saw... a house?

100 Word Challenge Armand

The Antraluc mine
The Antraluc mine was an old coal mine in Belgium. Now it is blocked but you can still visit it, and that is exactly what we did with the school.
I wasn't sure if it was the best day to visit that monument.
When we arrived at the coal mining a noise coming behind me
“Crch, crch”
I wasn't comfortable, so I decided walk a bit quicker, but that noise was following me
“Drrr, drrr”

Scared to turn my head and look, I returned in my group hoping I would be safe when I saw a shadow...

100 Word Challenge Yanni

SCREECH!!! The car raced inside the unknown, unwanted forest; the Rolls Royce smashed the trees, and then there was one light, not two, not three, but one diffuse light.
The driver, Mr Posho, was extreme- you know by his name-don’t you? He was so posh he could not have something not posh. For some reason he had take too many drugs and went CRAZY!
He destroyed the National Gallery which had the oldest tree in the UK but now it is only a couple of pieces of bark and pure wood, Mr Posho was arrested.

Conclusion. Do NOT take drugs!

100 Word Challenge Vishal

It was very dark. We were stuck in a cave. There was nowhere to escape. BOOM! There was an explosion. We couldn't figure out where the explosion came from. Suddenly we spotted a faint white light at the far end of the cave. We slowly walked towards it. As we walked more lights appeared red and yellow. It was so mysterious. We still continued to walk. There were lots of obstacles.  The road was uneven. Rocks were peaking out very sharply. Some parts of the floor was shattered into pieces. We got a clear sight of the intense white light.

100 Word Challenge Yuina

I was walking in the forest with my friend.  Then, suddenly a yellow light appeared in front of us!  It was very bright so, I closed my eyes.  When I opened my eyes, my friend, Melly wasn't there.  She had disappeared!  I was standing alone because, an impossible thing happened; the unexpectedly colourful light sucked me up! Where am I going now?  Then I felt really sleepy... I closed my eyes.

How long had I slept?  Slowly I opened my eyes.  I couldn't believe what I saw.  I was in a huge balloon the size o me - I couldn't run away.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

100 Word Challenge Eesha

Snowstorms have ruined it all. I was listening to the radio when I heard the man blabber away, “Snowstorms and blizzards will be occurring whenever they like these 3 months. Therefore it is dangerous to even step outside the house. You have to do all your grocery now (for 3 months). What will we do? “Will school and offices shut down?” continued the man on the radio. Meetings were held across the country to find an answer. My family was congested in front of the radio, flabbergasted. Everybody started carping. “IT’S THE END OF ME!” I squealed. I will not be able to stand the groaning of my family for 3 months!

100 Word Challenge Yuina

There was a problem in our country.  The problem was a gang of people, stealing things or  great amount  of money.  The name of that gang is called 'Black Stars'.
All of our country knew Black Stars, however the police could not caught them.
After a month, meetings were held across the country to find an answer to how the Black Stars escaped so often, and how can we could catch them.

Three month later, a famous mayor found out that Black Stars has a special secret gadgets that enabled them to escape from anyone.  Therefore, it is very hard for police to catch them.  Can we solve this mystery?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

BISB Yuina

"Welcome to ' The world's famous Quiz' !" the announcer shouted.
"OK, so you guys have to win 10 questions that I give you.  If you won all of them you can have 10,000 pounds! Good luck." again the announcer yelled telling us the rules.
Oh, sorry I didn't tell you where I am, I'm at the world's famous quiz with my family.

When the quiz  started we did a good job...until the 8th question.  As soon as my dad said the answer, the floor where we were standing moved towards a dark place.  Interestingly,  I opened my eyes, but all we could see was water, only water.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Yanni 100 Word Challenge

One day my little sister was riding her ugly pink bicycle. She used to call it fluffy ball but that was a long time ago, now she calls it fluffy - do not ask me why! I was taking her to the zoo and something very inexplicable happened, when we passed the grand gorilla’s cage, it actually laughed!  It was curious and also very rude! Then my sister cried and bawled until we got home. She told everything that happened to mum who sent me to my room! She thought I had played a silly prank! That is not true! If you see her, tell her that!

Eesha 100 Word Challenge

Today was the weirdest day of all, I’m sure it’ll go down is history. Well, it all started in the morning when my friend and I went to a zoo. It was called THE GRAND ZOO OF NEW YORK. I roamed around and I reached the Gorilla section. And that’s when the bizarre day actually started. I saw a pink Gorilla prancing about like a ballerina. Doing twirls and swirls. Then I realized that there was an orangutan on a bicycle cycling round and round in circles. “This is scary” my friend said to me. “I’m sure they’re controlled!” I laughed! This is the most amazing zoo ever!

Kalzang 100 Word Challenge

My Terrible life!
Everyone laughed when I told them I had a pink gorilla. Sorry, I forgot my name is Zoë Grand; they (classmates) also make fun of my name (Grand). My classmates say that I am lying BUT I’M NOT!

On my way to school, I stumbled past this little shop: ‘buy a gorilla for only $10.90’, until I realized there was no dot. I moved on, instantaneously my bicycle just blocked and since I was going in full speed the next thing I knew, I was in the hospital. Sometimes I think that I do it on purpose because I am a disaster!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

EAL Ilhan BISB Brussels

One day, I went to the seaside and I saw a hot air balloon. I wanted to go up and up in the hot air balloon, but I was scared when I saw the flames.  My mum  told me not to be scared and I told her that I did not want to go in it. I just like to watch them in the sky. One day I might go...

5 Sentence Challenge Armand BISB

I was scared of the altitude before, but now I am not, because of a mysterious idea from my mum.
This mysterious idea was THE HOT BALLOON!
Suddenly I was going up, up in a hot air balloon, and my only dream was to go
down, down in that hot air balloon.
Even as I was really lucky to go on that hot air balloon, and see that majestic view, I was still uncomfortable and scared.
When I came back on the mainland I was relieved, but did it work or not, did that experience make me feel better?

5 Sentence Challenge - Jacques BISB

One day when I was playing Tombola, I won a trip in a hot-air balloon.  I went to the hot-air balloon launch site, where the flight manager told me to go on board.  Suddenly, the man threw out the rope and the hot-air balloon start to go up and up. I was so excited as it was my first time.  We started to see the houses, city and countryside with horses eating grass in the meadow.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Week 3 Kalzang

Matt Harper was coming back from school, when he wanted to take a short cut; he passed by this abandoned little village.

All the houses were sombre and colourless, just one fiery red hut, Matt glanced inside, he couldn't see much, but he just recognized a pair of endearing  pastel pink shoes; When Matt looked up there was a lady in the house staring at him the entire time, she had chains and ropes all over her body, she had blood on her face and hands, Matt ran for it, never stopped until he was far away!       

Week 3 Swarna

"Hmmm... the glass didn't break!" Theadore exclaimed.  There was, an inexplicable problem to determine.
It was last night, when this incident happened.  It took place in a house just in the 2nd avenue.  Not a normal house, but an bizarre  one.
There was an emphatic noise, which was 2, 3 kilometers away from the house.  Subsequently, 99.99999% of the neighbourhood came to see what was happening.  Hold your breath...

No-one was there in the house!  Not even a single soul.  We searched every room nevertheless nothing was there.
But something contemporary was there. Ballet shoes.  Something strange was going on...

Week 3 Yanni

There was once a shed that was rusty and scruffy and surprisingly there was a pair of pink shoes.
There was nothing special  about this ‘shed’ until people started to get worried that there was something unusual; and it was… the pink shoes.
Do not even try to ask me what they were thinking of, but they were right, there was something round and black with thread inside one of the shoes… there was a bomb.
The bullies in my school didn't even think about it, typical of them; meanwhile the POLICE went to the shed!

The bullies in my school put a gas bomb in there, typical of them!

Week 3 Yuina

When my shoes get smaller, I always buy my new shoes in a small shop that is painted in red.
I really like it.  The shopkeeper of that shop was Mrs.Honey.  She was so kind to me.

Two years later, I went to Mrs.Honey's shop.  I gasped.  I couldn't believe it.  ...The shop was destroyed.  There was  lots of dust inside.  Carefully, I looked inside, there were the same shoes that I had!  Also, there was message on it.
It said,
" Dear Lilly,
Think you for coming to my shop!  Unfortunately, I have to go to another town...

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week 2 Gabriel

The Birds
Nothing fancy, just a custard cake.
Nothing much...
The custard tasted like a lump of white gook.
Maybe it was the tart itself...
Whatever it was, it made the cake horrible.
Or at least, that’s what I thought.
Tarts are tarts and custard is custard.
Sometimes they’re good, sometimes not...
Anyhow, Birds did not make good TARTES À LA CRÉME ANGLAISE.
If they were so proud about they’re ickky cakes, they should go to London and take custard lessons.
Honestly, it was just white mud.
Not even yellow!
I will never buy custard from pigeons ever again.

Week 2 Yanni

The twenty-third century, the most valuable thing?

Gold? No, caviar? No, Custard from Bird’s Instant Powder? You might be laughing but yes! The most valuable thing in the world is Custard! It is $3.22 million and I will never ever get one of those amazing things but one day a miracle happened, my friend is really rich and he offered me one packet and I was amazed! I ran out of school (at home time), burst through the kitchen door and I stirred, mixed, dropped and finally made the custard of my dreams. When I ate the custard, it tasted like heaven.    

Week 2 Yuina

I was lying on the bed.  Wondering what mum  was  doing.
Just then I smelled something horrible.  Then I got out of the bed, tip-toed to the kitchen.

I gasped.  My mum was cooking!  She is clumsy at cooking.
After a while,she noticed  me, she sang
"I made you a custard, Tom!"

"Am...mum, I'm kind of full."

"Ok, then just eat one piece."
I couldn't stop my mum.  Therefore, I ate one piece...
The custard tasted like very salty food.  It was really salty.
"Now, how was it Tom?" Mum asked me, I didn't know what to say.

Week 2 Swarna

“The custard tasted like a vanilla ice-scream with sprinkles on”...Morella shook with laughter.  “Oh no sir, it’s vanilla custard with tiny chocolate chips on!”
I hastily whispered to the judge next me “Psssssssst”.  Subsequently, the judge next to me announced to Morella, that she had won the Astonishing Cooking Contest.  Her face lit up with happiness and triumph.  Morella was a girl with determination and always wanted to reach success.  She always had the chance to win.
When we went out of the outsized, stuffy and hot – aired cooking hall, I grinned at Morella, like a Cheshire cat.  It was a sign – for determination ‘n’ success. J

Week 2 Sara

She ambled out of the car, dragging her bag which made a trace behind her.  She released the door and slammed it behind her, walking into the kitchen knowing, that it was her day to wash the dishes. She twirled the switch to turn on the radio and put it on her favourite channel.
“The unsurpassed custard I understand? “said the man.
She took her bike and rode to the shop.  She ran to the sauce section. It was there; she grabbed the sauce and procured it.
Progressing back home, she unbolted the jar and stuck her finger in it... the custard tasted like heaven!

Week 2 Kalzang

On my return from soccer training, this scrumptious smell drifted out of the kitchen, YES, custard! When I entered the kitchen I pretended that I did not smell the delectable custard, “Hey mum,” 
“Hi honey, guess what I am making for desert?” I shrugged, “Your favourite, custard”
“Wow mum I never would have guessed”, I bellowed sarcastically, I assume that my mum knew that I was kidding.

Usually mum’s custard is the BEST in the world.... But today the custard tasted like it had been made with paint! I accidentally said that in front of my mum.... I AM DOOMED!!

Week 2 Eesha

Today, a booming voice bellowed,” Lucy shall be the judge of the cooking competition.” I was so delighted to be chosen, that I went home and told my mum. “I am the judge for competition!” I screamed.
 “Congratulations dear!” mum responded.

 The days passed by, then the competition arrived. My mouth starts watering when it comes to custard. And guess what? One of my friends, or should I say enemy, had prepared custard.  I took a chance and tasted it; it custard tasted like... sludge mixed with horse dung.  After all, being the judge wasn't as amusing as I thought it would be!

Monday, January 13, 2014

5 Sentence Challenge - Jacques

1. I think the small girl is thinking that she hopes this beautiful day will never end.
2. I think the girl is feeling very happy because she is playing outside in the fresh air.
3. I think the girl is wishing for a friend to come and play with her.
4. I think the girl is in a park in Brussels, Belgium.
5. I think that the sun is shining  and that the photograph was taken in the Spring.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Week 1 Yanni 100 Word Challenge

Out Dark, is a world never seen, heard or even thought of; but one day I sat on the cold wooden bench as a substitute for the final of a baseball game. Now you will be thinking… “Oh, there is nothing wrong with this silly story!” No! The referee blew the whistle, we won the game, but deep inside I didn’t care about winning, let alone liking baseball! The thing I liked the best in the world was secret forests and caves. After the game I ran straight to the woods, but when I put the batteries in, the portal disappeared.

Week 1 Yuina 100 Word Challenge

I was with my small brother in my house.  My parents went to see their friends, Mrs.Holly and Mr.Holly.  I really hated taking care of my brother.  Therefore, I just ignored him.  After, thinking about watching TV, I switched it on.  It didn't work.  There were no batteries.  So, I found some new batteries.
But when I put the batteries in it...    There came a sound, "Bomb!"  Suddenly, the whole room of our house went dark.  Then my brother started to cry.  I didn't know what should I do.  Should I wait for my mother and father or try to solve the problem myself?

Week 1 2014 Kalzang 100 Word Challenge

But when I put the batteries in it, it started to zoom off like a rocket launching into space! But, instead going up, it went down breaking through walls and down to the kitchen were my mum was cooking; she glanced up, oh, oh I knew I was in big trouble.

When I told dad about it while we were walking home, he started to guffaw; everyone on the street conjectured or just thought that he was a very outlandish man.
When we arrived home, dad  hurried to the kitchen, looked up, and there was the large gaping hole!