Saturday, December 7, 2013

100 Word Challenge Swarna

I opened the door.  I ran, until a capacious rock was blocking my way.
An idea struck me.  I went to a tree and slept...

After, a car came, and halted with a screech, and then the noise stopped.  
Out came a man. He asked if I could help him move the rock. I agreed.  We moved the rock. Then he offered me a ride to town.  I accepted.  When we arrived, I told him that I tricked him.  I left the rock so when someone asks for help, we would move it, they would offer me a ride to town.  Finally; I tricked a person!

1 comment:

  1. Swarna,
    What an imagination! Great idea! A very enjoyable read, thank you!
    Well done,
    Laura A, Team100, Luxembourg
