Saturday, March 22, 2014

100 Word Challenge Yanni

There was once two gorillas, John and Cooper, “Give me that bamboo stick, NOW!!” Ordered John, he was bigger and more powerful then Cooper.  But…but… ok…here it is” replied a sad Cooper. Then Cooper got a glimpse of what seemed to be a massive green-looking stick!” Look up! Can you see that whooping immensely gigantic bamboo?” “You shouldn't be happy, I’ll get it first!” However the moment John said that; Cooper had already started to climb! “NO!” hollered John as Copper ate it! “Yum! That was the best bamboo EVER!” As you see John wasn't in the mood to play, he was about to roar until… “Time for tea children!”


  1. Hi Yanni,
    What a lovely story. I hope you enjoyed writing it. keep up the good work.

  2. Hi Yanni,

    I can imagine your two gorilla characters out in the forest somewhere. I really like how you describe John as 'bigger and more powerful' and use the words 'ordered' and 'hollered' instead of said. I am picturing him as a bit of a bossy boots. Great writing!

    It was a nice idea to let Cooper have a 'win' with eating the bamboo. :)

    Thanks for sharing your writing!

    Miss Crowther
    Team 100WC
