Saturday, March 15, 2014

100 Word Challenge Eesha

“A talent show is planned next week for our school, it’s an opportunity for pupils to display their capability to teachers and spectators”, announced our teacher. Hmmmm, interesting topic. Eureka! I’m doing a magic trick. My best buddy Suzanne will be my assistant. The trick’s humble, I will lie down in a big box; Suzanne will simply shut it, say a magic word and I’ll vanish. The day arrived, it was my turn; I hopped in the box. Suzanne chanted the word, but when she lifted the lid... I was still in there! The trick had not functioned as I thought it would. What should I do now? What will Suzanne show everyone? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eesha,
    Thank you for entering this week's 100 Word Challenge.
    I enjoyed reading your story.
    This was a very clever use of this week 's prompt. Well done!
    How disappointed both you and Suzanne must have been when the trick didn't work.
    I wonder did she try and repeat the trick?
    I look forward to reading more adventures from you.
    Keep up the good work.

    Happy St Patrick's Day!
    Mary @ Team 100 WC, Ireland.
