Saturday, April 20, 2013

100 Word Challenge Ishita BISB

A Meal On The Moon   
 The moon.  The shimmering, revolving, chilling moon. The atmosphere is so calm. I voyaged for days to see this natural beauty; my spaceship is tranquilly standing with its legs dug into the surface of the moon. I’m starving to death.  Time for a ‘Meal on the Moon’ I thought to myself. I took out some sandwiches and guess what? I devoured it in one minute!
 Abruptly, a bizarre, blue body limped towards me. Is it a human? Is it an alien? It is an alien! Is he famished? I handed a sandwich to him to munch and he munched blithesomely. 

1 comment:

  1. Repetition, alliteration, varied sentences length and power vocabulary. All the ingredients for a superb 100 word entry!

    Excellent work, Ishita.

    Mrs T
