Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week 2 Swarna

“The custard tasted like a vanilla ice-scream with sprinkles on”...Morella shook with laughter.  “Oh no sir, it’s vanilla custard with tiny chocolate chips on!”
I hastily whispered to the judge next me “Psssssssst”.  Subsequently, the judge next to me announced to Morella, that she had won the Astonishing Cooking Contest.  Her face lit up with happiness and triumph.  Morella was a girl with determination and always wanted to reach success.  She always had the chance to win.
When we went out of the outsized, stuffy and hot – aired cooking hall, I grinned at Morella, like a Cheshire cat.  It was a sign – for determination ‘n’ success. J


  1. Hello Swarana,

    We read your piece of writing in class. We liked your simile - smiled liked a Cheshire cat. We also liked the way you used an -ly opener - subsequently. We wondered if you really meant ice-scream, or is it ice-cream?

    Yr 5, Redgate Junior School, Norfolk

  2. You chose some great words for your 100WC, Swarna. I enjoyed your story and thought it was a good use of the prompt. Well done.
    Fiona (Team 100WC)

  3. Hi Swarna, I love your description of Morella, I can really picture her. I also like your name, the Astonishing Cooking Contest. I can imagine Roald Dahl using it! Keep up the good work. Christine (Team00WC)
