Saturday, January 25, 2014

Week 3 Yanni

There was once a shed that was rusty and scruffy and surprisingly there was a pair of pink shoes.
There was nothing special  about this ‘shed’ until people started to get worried that there was something unusual; and it was… the pink shoes.
Do not even try to ask me what they were thinking of, but they were right, there was something round and black with thread inside one of the shoes… there was a bomb.
The bullies in my school didn't even think about it, typical of them; meanwhile the POLICE went to the shed!

The bullies in my school put a gas bomb in there, typical of them!


  1. Nice 100wc Yanni!! Good idea with the bomb!

  2. Hi Yanni,

    What a shocking story - those bullies sound like awful people! I'm glad you have got the police involved as it sounds as though they need a severe talking to. I wonder why people first thought the shed was an unusual place?

    Great writing,

    Mr Connor
    Team 100wc
    Derby, UK
