Saturday, November 30, 2013

100 Word Challenge Week 13 Eesha

“No, it can’t be true”, I yelped!  My friend grabbed me by the hand, terrified. “What’s going on, and who’s that demon?” she shrilled. “The demon is actually an insane scientist, who died while testing an experiment; and he has just arisen up from his grave.” There was nobody around us; it was only us and him. The only things were a wooden rusty bench; and I just saw something move? A human... the demon twisted round and stared hard at the young man, the demon had bit into the man with his sharpened razor like teeth. The poor young man had just turned into the nastiest creature on earth. It is the end of the world.


  1. What an imagination you have Eesha! You have used a range of demonic vocabulary: insane, demon, razor and shrilled. Terrific piece of writing, well done.
