Saturday, October 26, 2013

Week 8 BISB Sara Brussels

                                                                       The  Tigers’ Cage
On the turbulent day in September, the Highill Zoo had been open for about 3 hours and  little Lucy had been there since the zoo had opened, but for some reason she had only visited the tigers…    

It had just turned to 7:00 pm, the zoo was closing. Lucy had just got up on the bench ready to go home when she dropped her lolly! Straight away the tigers came consecutively towards it. It was now 9:00 pm the tigers were all alone with the other animals.  Then a big crash came from the tigers’ cage…what was that?


  1. I really like how you start your 100 word challenge Sara 'On the turbulent day in September'. It really sets the scene well and makes the reader wonder what drama might unfold.

  2. I really liked the vocabulary that you have used,and the way you leave the paragraph uncompleted.I also love the cliffhanger at the end!Adds to the suspense.
