Saturday, February 22, 2014

100 Word Challenge Vishal

It was very dark. We were stuck in a cave. There was nowhere to escape. BOOM! There was an explosion. We couldn't figure out where the explosion came from. Suddenly we spotted a faint white light at the far end of the cave. We slowly walked towards it. As we walked more lights appeared red and yellow. It was so mysterious. We still continued to walk. There were lots of obstacles.  The road was uneven. Rocks were peaking out very sharply. Some parts of the floor was shattered into pieces. We got a clear sight of the intense white light.


  1. Mrs Skinner (Team100) Bristol, UKFebruary 24, 2014 at 2:36 AM

    Comment was left by Team 100 but no evidence it was posted.
    Checking to see what happens to comments

  2. In your story you make me feel that I was stuck in the cave with you, riely impressive.
    There is a lot of suspense and particularly like that, well done!!!!
    You used wow word, word that you don't use commonly, good riting.
    from Armand year 6 student
