Saturday, February 8, 2014

BISB Yuina

"Welcome to ' The world's famous Quiz' !" the announcer shouted.
"OK, so you guys have to win 10 questions that I give you.  If you won all of them you can have 10,000 pounds! Good luck." again the announcer yelled telling us the rules.
Oh, sorry I didn't tell you where I am, I'm at the world's famous quiz with my family.

When the quiz  started we did a good job...until the 8th question.  As soon as my dad said the answer, the floor where we were standing moved towards a dark place.  Interestingly,  I opened my eyes, but all we could see was water, only water.

1 comment:

  1. Yuina! What a story! Was the 'Famous Quiz' fun? I liked the ending where you wrote 'but all we could see was water. only water'! I liked the repetition you used. Keep it up!
