Wednesday, March 13, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Rishikesh


I was in my room, reading a book. Suddenly I heard a sound. It sounded like a purr. So I checked my bro’s room if he was watching anything with cats in it. He was sleeping.  I asked my mum if our neighbor with the annoying cat came over. No, but I heard it. Mysterious. But this time it was coming from my room. I crossed the bathroom and then suddenly I heard a shriek. I put my ear to the door separating the corridor from the bath. And then the door opened and a familiar orange cat stepped out.


  1. Well done for using the prompt words. I like the way you can hear the purring and are trying to find out where it is coming from.Where had the cat been hiding I wonder? Jane Hewitt team 100wc

  2. I really enjoy reading your work, Rishikesh. Your style draws the reader into the story; excellent variety of sentence length. Mrs T.
