Saturday, March 23, 2013

100 Word Challenge Ishika

Why can't we share?

If we share food do we not feel gratified?Every year about 1/3 of the food produced on earth is wasted.Most of the times the reason is carelessness and greed.On earth,about 1/7 of the earth's population goes hungry.All that wasted food is more than enough for those people who go hungry.Why can't we share it.Why can't we stop wasting food.Do we not feel ashamed, when we waste food while others starve.We can stop this by donating money to charities.Be the change you want the world to be.


  1. Hi Ishika, what a very thoughtful and emotive piece you have written for the 100wc.
    The facts add gravitas to it and make the reader stop and think.
    Great writing.

  2. I agree with Mrs Halford; I thought the repetition of 'Why can't we' was very powerful. Well done, Ishika.
    Mrs T.

  3. Congratulations Ishika..You are in the showcase..
