Tuesday, March 19, 2013

100 Word Challenge Zain Week 24 BISB

Dear Audualem,
I know life is hard in Ethiopia since I’ve been there twice (true fact).  However, if we share, which I have started to, if we share food, money; clothes, school kit .etc you and your family will be overjoyed right? Unfortunately more than one-fifth of the planet is suffering from poverty whereas in alien world they don’t go through all that!   There is a charitable trust that I, myself have organised, named after you: Help Audualem And Friends (HAAF), furthermore, already ten-million people have signed up for giving you $10 a month. Amazing…
Yours truly,                                                                                                                 Zain the Great


  1. Dear Zain,
    I think that your idea is most commendable; let's hope that charities are doing their best to support Audualem? I do like the way that you began this piece on a sad note, but that it ended with hope.

    Well done, Zain.

    Mrs T.

  2. Hello Zain,

    What a wonderful letter to write! I am impressed by the thought you have put into this letter. Imagine, if ten million people each paid $10 a month, $100 million dollars would be available every month. With so much money available, you would be able to save most of the world from starvation. What a dream! :)

    Have you taken the opportunity to visit the entries of students from other schools? It is interesting to see how others have approached the prompt. Don’t forget to leave them a comment if you do visit. :)

    I hope you keep entering the 100WC.

    @RossMannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia
