Wednesday, September 4, 2013

BISB Maria 100 Word Challenge Brussels

It was a dark night… It was scary and then suddenly I heard a crack…
I heard it, with this voice: BOO!!!!!
The voice sounded very strong!!!
Then, all of a sudden I saw a monster, then the phone rang…
The monster came in and I was very scared!
I found a pan and threw it at him!
It crashed on the monsters head!
The monster fell down!
But before he died, he asked for paper and a pen.
Then the monster wrote a letter:
I am dying…
Then the monster was dead!
At that moment, relief spread through me!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Maria,
    This is a very poetic piece, well done.
    I find this a little hard to follow, I think it needs more of a setting. But well done for using lots of punctuation - may be a bit too much though.
    Well done for throwing a pan - a good choice!

    What a good start to the year!

    Team 100wc
